I looked online for ideas to teach Number the Stars in relation to the Holocaust. One website strongly suggested discussing with students the reoccurring Star of David, and what it means to Jewish people. I think this is especially important, since it comes up many times in the novel and our students may not know a lot about the Jewish faith. Perhaps introducing the Jewish faith in general and major events and countries included in the Holocaust prior to reading the novel would be beneficial. In addition, Denmark may be a little known country to students in sixth or seventh grade. I remember wondering about characteristics of Copenhagen, Denmark in sixth grade. It is hard to understand the context of a story if the reader cannot grasp setting. One website offered this activity:
"1. Travel Brochure
Prepare a travel brochure using pictures found or drawn from Denmark to share with the class and encouraging people to visit this country after the war."
Some modifications could be made to this activity, such as half the class making a brochure of Denmark during the war, and half of post-war Denmark. Comparisons could then be made in class discussion. This would also be beneficial to students if completed prior to reading the novel, and help them to accurately imagine where Number the Stars takes place.